Dream Symbols | Objects

Food Dream Meaning

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Food is something we all need to survive, and a common part of everyday life. It is not surprising then that we might dream about food! Learning the symbolism of what food means in our dreams can help us navigate through the current challenges we are facing in life.

What Does it Mean to Dream About Food?

food dream meaning

Food is a common dream symbol that often shows your desire for something. It can be closely related to wanting more energy, or related to needing more information or knowledge on a specific topic.

You may also wish to look up the meaning of eating in dreams – this has a lot of additional information on interpreting a dream about food, especially in regards to details for who you are eating with or where you are eating.

Common Food Dream Meanings

To dream you are eating a healthy meal: Just as food is nourishment to the body, knowledge is nourishment to the brain and Energy is necessary to take care of ourselves.

You may be in the process of or have the desire to acquire greater knowledge and wisdom in some area of your waking life.

Dreaming of eating or preparing a healthy meal may also signify that you are looking to make better choices in your health, or that it is important you take some time to pay attention to your needs and desires.

If you are preparing a meal:

This could indicate that you feel the need to share wisdom and knowledge with others around you. If this resonates with you, now is the time to begin taking the steps in waking life to do that.

Preparing a meal for others might also mean that you are in a caretaker role in your life. Is there someone who you are taking care of on a regular basis? Are you putting someone else’s needs ahead of your own?

To dream you are eating junk food:

Dreaming of eating junk food could have several different meanings. It may indicate that information that you are subjected to in waking life is emotionally unhealthy for you. You may want to take steps to censor what you are watching and listening to.

This dream may also be a form of wishful thinking if you are on a diet or not consuming sweets/junk food during waking life. It could also be a manifestation of guilt you are having over your current eating habits.

If you have been consuming too many unhealthy foods, consider cutting back a little to resolve the guilt you are feeling over this.

Not All Dreams Are Symbolic!

Of course, not all dreams are necessarily symbolic! Dreaming of food could simply mean that you are hungry while you are sleeping. Sometimes if we neglect our own physical needs, our conscious mind will try to get our attention through dreams!

If you have had a dream about food we would love to hear about it, and what you think it means. Please share in the comments section below.

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