Dream Symbols | Objects

Money Dream Meaning

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Don’t we all want to dream of having lots of money? While dreaming about money may not always be about your financial situation, learning the meaning of money in a dream can help you create the life you want. money dream meaning

What Does it Mean to Dream of Money?

Dreaming about money typically surrounds our feelings towards self-worth, value of something, and abundance.

Here are some common meanings for money:

Self Worth:

Money can be very symbolic of your self-worth. You may have feelings about not being worthy of something, or maybe you DO feel worthy of something and are not being appreciated for it.

Money can also symbolize your feelings about what something is costing you. Does it cost you your happiness? Are you losing your joy about a certain situation in your life?

To be lacking in money can suggest that your self-worth is very low at this point in time. We often feel worthless when we are dealing with certain situations, so it is helpful to look at the other symbols in the dream and their meanings for clues to provide more detail.


Abundance means you are getting the most out of a situation. To have an abundance of money suggests that you believe yourself or someone else to be someone of great value.


Money is a form of energy. It is not surprising that money can often be seen as a source of power. If you have a lot of money, you are often able to be in the position where you have power to change things.

If you are dreaming about money you may be feeling powerless over a situation, or wish that you were able to change something that is out of your control.

If you are dreaming about money, it can mean that you are spending too much or too little energy on something. Do you feel like your life is well balanced or does it seem like one certain thing is getting all of your time and attention?

Finances & The Future

Often times money is something we associate with the future. If you are the kind of person who is often thinking, “Someday we’ll have the money to do XYZ…” – it could be a sign in your dream that you are spending more time thinking about the future than living in and enjoying the present moment!

Dreaming about money may also be a literal symbol for finances. Anxiety about money problems in your everyday life can sometimes manifest in your dreams in a very obvious way. Are you worried about upcoming expenses or challenges that may cost you financially?

Balance and Fairness

We often associate money with paying the bills and balancing the budget. Do you have a situation in your life that requires you to find a balance?

You might also want to think carefully about whether you are treating others fairly or if others are treating you fairly. Money can sometimes be associated with debts – and in dreams these debts can be both signs of physical exchanges or emotional ones.

Business & Career

Most of us go to work to get money to pay the bills. Dreaming about money could mean you are interested in new business opportunities or you are thinking about an upcoming career change.

How to Interpret Dreams About Money

To understand what you dream means, it is helpful to think about your own personal feelings about money at this time. Do you think of money as a good thing? Or, do you think of money as the root of all evil?

Everyone has different feelings about money, and being in tune with your own personal feelings towards money will help you connect with your true feelings that are manifesting in the dream.

Here are some other things to look for to help you understand your dream:

What kind of money did you see in the dream? Do you see giant stacks of dollar bills? Or is it a jar of pocket change? Do you find a penny on the ground? Or, do you see a giant bank safe? As you can imagine, the context in which money appears in your dream is very important!

Were There Any Significant Numbers in the Dream? Numbers can often deliver very important messages in our dreams. If there was a specific dollar amount, you should make a note of these numbers involved.

What Was the Tone of the Dream? Did the dream make you feel happy? Sad? Anxious? Overwhelmed? Scared? The overall mood of the dream can help give you some insight on what your true underlying feelings about a situation might be.

What Action Was Involved With Money? Understanding the different actions in your dream can make a big difference in what a dream might mean. For example, if you dream of using money while shopping, then it would be helpful to understand the dream meaning of shopping.

Learning how to interpret your dreams can give you a lot of insight on what dreaming about money might mean. By paying attention to these dreams, we can help ourselves create the life we truly want!

Do you have any memorable dreams about money you would like to share? What do you think the dream was about? Share your experiences in the comments section below!

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