Animal Symbols | Dream Symbols

Tiger Dream Meaning

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What does it mean to dream of a tiger? If you are wondering about the symbolism of the tiger as a dream meaning or spirit animal, learning about what the tiger means as a symbol can be very helpful for you in your life!

What Does it Mean to Dream of a Tiger?

tiger dream symbol meaning

The tiger is a large and powerful native cat to India. It is commonly associated with being present in jungle types of environments, although tigers may be found in other parts of the world. Today, it is not uncommon to see a tiger even in the largest of cities at the local zoo or animal park.

A tiger reminds us to follow our natural instincts and intuition. Often times, a tiger appearing in dreams or as a spirit animal means there is much energy and emotional work to do in order to fully overcome a challenge or to thrive in a situation.

The tiger has been a symbol used as a mascot for many companies, as well as in songs. The song from the Rocky movie, “Eye of a Tiger” and Katy Perry’s song “Roar” are all examples of how a tiger can be a symbol of strength and overcoming obstacles.

Strength and Power

tiger portrait

Tigers are very strong animals and so when we see one in our dreams it reminds us to think of our own strength and power in life.

There are many difficult situations in life that we go through that help us be stronger and resilient. The tiger appears to us in dreams to remind us we have what it takes to survive through the hardships of life.

Sometimes we will encounter a tiger in our dreams because we feel as if someone is overpowering us in a situation in life. This could be a co-worker, boss, partner or even an overbearing friend or relative.

Overcoming Challenges

Tigers are powerful creatures who come in our dreams to remind us that it is possible for us to overcome the challenges we may face in life.

You may feel it is hard to overcome your problems, but the tiger reminds us we are stronger than we think we are and have what it takes to conquer our fears.

Wisdom and Intuition

intuitive tiger wisdom

The tiger is often a symbol for intuition – for connecting with our own spiritual wisdom and higher self.

When a tiger appears in a dream, it is telling you to listen to your heart and your instincts – the right path is not always the most logical one.

Tigers remind us to think of the greater good in life – what is the highest, wisest, best course of action to take? What brings us closer to happiness and joy? What helps make the world a better place for others?

Here are some ways tigers may appear in our dreams:

Being chased by a tiger:

If you are dreaming that a tiger is chasing you, it is likely you are running away from your own personal feelings and emotions.

You may be afraid of power – either afraid to step into your own power or afraid of someone who has power and control over you. Learning about how to deal with nightmares and what it means to be chased in a dream can be helpful.

Dreaming of Tigers Sleeping:

A sleeping tiger might mean there is some hidden force in your life. This “hidden force” could be your own special talents and strengths – or it could mean there is something happening in your life that you are not fully expecting.

Tigers on the Hunt:

Tigers are at the “top of the food chain” so to speak and often are associated with hunting their prey. The hunter as a character archetype in dreams can mean that you are very goal oriented and working towards success in business or your personal life. In dreams, it may mean that you need to think about your “plan of attack” on a situation.

Dreaming of a White Tiger:

white tiger

White tigers are not common in the wild, and so in a dream this may mean something is of special importance to dream one. A white tiger symbolizes rarity and unique intuitive gifts. Understanding the meaning of colors in dreams can be helpful to understand more about what the color of the tiger can mean.

Dreaming About Baby Tigers:

Baby tigers are no doubt adorable and can often be a symbol for innocence in our dreams. You may be just starting to awaken your own inner strength or beginning a new project that will require overcoming obstacles and trusting your intuition.

Dreaming About a Sick or Injured Tiger:

To dream about a sick or injured tiger means that you do not feel like you have the power to change your life. You may be hurting in some way in your own life and feel as if your confidence is lost.

If you dream of a hurt or sick tiger, think about what areas in your life need improvement. What can you do to make positive changes? How can you feel stronger to face the challenges in your life?

Common Tiger Symbol Meanings

What does the tiger symbolize? Understanding the traits and characteristics of a tiger can often help you explore your own deep feelings and intuitive gifts.

tiger dream meaning

Here is the wisdom of the tiger symbol:

Trust Your Intuition and Instincts

Tigers are very instinctual animals. Seeing a tiger could mean you need to further develop your own intuition or that your natural instincts have meaning.

If you are facing a situation in your life where you “just have a feeling” about something, this is a hunch you most certainly may want to consider following when a tiger is also present in dreams or as a common everyday life symbol.

Sometimes, this could also mean you want to become more intuitive, but you are not sure how to trust your intuition. You may not think you have any special intuitive abilities, but the truth is science has proven all of us are capable of using intuition. Our intuition is like a muscle – it simply needs to be used to become developed!

Step Into Your Power

The tiger as an animal in its natural habitat is one of the most powerful animals in all of the jungle. Tigers are quite intelligent, and also strong. These two things make it very easy for a tiger to hunt successfully in its environment.

Think about your feelings about power and strength in your life currently. Do you feel as if you are strong enough to deal with your current challenges?

The tiger may be appearing as a sign and symbol to fully awaken and step into your own power. Ask yourself: What are my strengths in life, and how can I use these to benefit myself and others?

Face Your Fears and Weaknesses

Tigers are often associated with the shadow side of our human psyche. Each of us has things we are afraid of – whether its something emotional or physical in our lives.

You may also have weaknesses in life – such as a bad habit or a skill that is not fully developed. Often times, this means we must learn to accept ourselves as we are – flaws and all.

Learning to embrace the negative and dark sides of ourselves can help us become a fully conscious and developed person in this life.

Have you ever had a dream about tigers? Share it with us in the comments section below!

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